
Gift Card News-March 2.1

Top Golf Raffle-March 26

Earn a raffle ticket for each $100 in Gift Cards you purchase

between now and March 26. Raffle tickets are good for a

chance to win a $100 Gift Card from Top Golf.  Two cards will

be awarded. The winners will be announced at the school

assembly on March 26, 2018.

Gift Card Family Purchase Numbers

Your latest Family purchase totals for Gift Card will be uploaded soon to SchoolSpeak.  It takes a bit of time to crunch the February numbers and we definitely want to include those in the upload.  If you find yourself overwhelmed because you have not come close to meeting your Gift Card purchase requirements, please contact your Gift Card Sales Coordinator Audra Wake at

Major Fundraising Volunteer Hours

Now that Gala is behind us, there are no real opportunities to make up your Major Fundraising Volunteer hours unless you help out the Gift Card Program. We have plenty of available shifts to sell gift cards before and after the weekend masses. You only have about a month left to get your hours in.  During that month, we will have Easter Break. Don’t leave this commitment to the last minute.

To volunteer to sell Gift Cards at the weekend masses email Kyle Hansen:

Also, check in daily on SchoolSpeak.  It is not uncommon to find a last minute volunteer opportunity to sell Gift Cards before and after school in the office.

Gift Card Purchase Ideas:

See’s Candy: With Easter coming up, many of will shop at

See’s Candy for those special Easter chocolate treats. 

We can special order See’s Candy Gift Cards in $25

denominations.  Deadline to special order these See’s Candy

Gift Cards is Sunday, March 25, 2018.

Disney: Many SI families are planning trips to Disney parks

or properties for Easter Break.  Please consider using Gift

Cards to pay for your Disney purchases.  We can special

order Disney Gift Cards in $25, $100, and $1000

denominations. Deadline to special order these Disney Gift

Cards is Sunday, March 25, 2018.