
3rd Grade

Third grade/ Tercer año

Every time the class meets (Tuesdays and Thursdays), the class is greeted with:
¡Hola clase!   or  ¡Buenos días clase!
¿Cómo están?
 Students should be able to respond to both greetings with:

¡Hola maestra!   or  ¡Buenos días maestra!
Muy bien, gracias ¿Y usted?

The students are instructed in Spanish to stand up and to put their hands together for the daily prayer as follows:

Levántense, por favor y pongan las manos juntas.

En el nombre del Padre       
Y del Hijo
Y del Espíritu Santo.

Angelito de mi guarda
Angelito de mi guarda
De mi dulce compañia
No me desampares
Ni de noche
Ni de día.



Hail Mary
Dios te salve María
Llena eres de gracia
El Señor es contigo
Bendita eres entre todas las mujeres
Y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús.

Santa María
Madre de Dios
Ruega Señora por nosotros los pecadores
Ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte.








Spanish Exit Goals for 3rd grade

Los números 0-100/Numbers
Los colores/Colors
Los días de la semana/Days of the week
En la clase/Classroom objects

 Students will review and continue to work with the numbers, the colors, the days of the week and will be able to respond to teacher and peer by using phrases and simple guided sentences.
 Students will work with a calendar each month to practice the days of the week, the numbers to 31 and the colors.  Each month new vocabulary words pertaining to that month will be introduced and used on simple guided sentence writing.
 Students will continue to work with the classroom object to make sentences.


Los saludos/Greetings

 Students will continue to practice the greetings with the teacher and with each other.

Masculine/Feminine and Singular/Plural

 Students will learn that all Spanish nouns and adjectives have gender.
 Students will learn that there are four ways to say “the” ~ el, la, los, las in Spanish.
 Students will be practice sentence writing using masculine/feminine and singular/plural nouns.


Using a Spanish/English dictionary

 Students will be introduced to using a Spanish/English dictionary by looking up words in Spanish to find the English meaning or looking up English words to find the Spanish meaning.

Los Animales/Animals

 Students will continue to learn the animals and will continue to work on sentence structure using the animals and colors with the correct gender.

Las Frutas/Fruits

 Students will continue to learn the fruits and will continue to work on sentence structure using the fruits and colors with the correct gender.