
SPRING Clean Out Your Closets Drive!

St. Ignatius Loyola Parish and School Families,

We are so grateful for your donations of clothing, shoes, bedding, books, toys, and accessories  for our Sharing God’s Bounty Dinners for the Hungry.

Clothing donors we have a special request : we ask for gently used clothing. If you wouldn’t ‘t give the clothing

items to a family member or friend do not give them to us. We are receiving an abundance of really stained, soiled, and ripped clothing that we are unable to distribute. Please check carefully before donating.

Magis Members will be collecting donations at the drop-off/pick-up line location on Thursday, May 1 and Friday, May 2 between 7:30am-8:00am and 2:45-3:10pm.  Please drop off your items to the designated tables!  We truly appreciate your generosity of spirit!  Easter Blessings to you!