
Volunteers Needed for S.I. Basketball Games
Remember to log your Athletic hours on SchoolSpeak

8th grade Varsity boys 2016-17

Sign up for Athletics volunteer opportunities here

Athletics Hours Policies:

A minimum of 4 hours per family at a “sports related job” (i.e. snack bar, scoring, team parent, etc.) is required for each season that a student participates on a team.  Little Dribbler volunteer hours do not count toward your Athletic hours commitment.  

The maximum number of hours required is 12 hours per school year (1 sport in each season: fall, winter and spring) for each student participating in Athletics.  Hours must be completed by an adult representing the family.

Hours must be complete by April 15, 2017.

Incomplete hours will be billed at $35 per hour for a maximum fee of $420 if all 12 hours are incomplete.

If a family incurs a fee for incomplete Athletic hours the fee must be paid before the family can register at St. Ignatius for the next school year.