
Get A Free Dress Pass At Back To School Night

Buy $100+ in gift cards or sign-up for Standing Orders and get the FIRST Free Dress pass of the year for all of your children! Put it in your child’s desk when you go visit their classroom or bring it home that night.

Weekly GIFT CARD orders have resumed!

Have you visited yet?  Enrollment code (needed to sign-up): 3886D5C59L18.

If not, visit today! … Take a tour, sign-up for presto pay & order gift cards online! You can do it from the comfort of your own home! Orders are due by 5 PM Sundays and available for pick up from the school office by the following Wednesday.

All SI families are obligated to purchase at least $1,000 of gift cards per school year.

** Please note PrestoPay takes 2 days to set up and verify after you have signed up. PrestoPay draws from your checking account (like a paypal account) and enables you to order easily online. **

Questions?  Please contact Audra Wake at or Keilani Burrage at

Check out GIFT CARD standing orders.  To make purchasing GIFT CARDS more convenient, St. Ignatius is now accepting monthly standing orders for gift cards that you use on a regular basis

How Standing Orders Works

  • Decide how many which gift cards you want from the list of in stock items or from the 100’s available online at
  • Decide how you would like to receive your gift cards; delivered home in your child’s backpack or picked up from the school office.
  • Decide what month to begin and end your standing order (you may leave open ended for the entire year or choose to stop at any time).
  • Add more gift cards or delete/cancel at any time by using the monthly order form for any additions or changes (please send in any changes prior to the 20th of the previous month).
  • Send in your automatic check payment on or before the 15th of the month by setting up automatic “Bill pay” from your bank (we will not be able to release gift cards until payment is received). Please indicate on your check “FOR GIFT CARD STANDING ORDER”.
  • Standing orders may be placed for any of our in stock items or items that are available on
  • Find more information on the school website under the GIFT CARD PROGRAM.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact Lorrie Tyler, the Gift Card Standing Order Coordinator at