

Save the Date
August 21 - 9:00 am

You are warmly invited to our Grandparents Welcome Social and S.I. 101 at St. Ignatius Parish School.

Enjoy refreshments, learn about Helper Helper sign-up, volunteer requirements, drop-off/pick-up procedures, and receive our annual calendar.

We’ll also provide an introduction to the Jesuit philosophy that forms the foundation of St. Ignatius Parish School.

In addition learn about Senior Connections, future Grandparent Socials, and upcoming student events.

We look forward to welcoming you and sharing this wonderful community!


Photo Gallery Post

Grandparents & Special Friends Day

Photo Gallery Post

May Crowning 2023

May Crowning is a longstanding tradition, when our school gathers to sing for the Blessed Mother, present her with spring’s first flowers and crown her with a small wreath of blossoms. This joyous occasion was also a time to recognize in a special way, our students who have received their First Communion.


Volunteer at St. Ignatius School

Thank you for being a parent of the St. Ignatius family!  

Many of you have asked for more information about helping out at St. Ignatius School. There are a few steps required to do this.

CLICK HERE to read the document entitled Volunteer Information

CLICK HERE to read the document entitled Diocese Volunteer Info


Join the Grandparent Club Here:

You are invited to join the St. Ignatius Parish School Grandparents Club.

The Grandparents Club provides an opportunity to rekindle old friendships and meet new friends with the community of St. Ignatius Parish School.

The goal of the Grandparents Club is to support the events, programs, and projects of the school by sharing our gifts of time and talent.

All grandparents and special friends of St. Ignatius School students are invited to become a member of the St. Ignatius School Grandparents Club.


Grandparents Facebook Page

We have created a Facebook page just for grandparents of students at St. Ignatius Parish School. News, events, and photos are posted regularly.

Click here to join the group.