Following in the Jesuit tradition and with a commitment to the
development of the whole person, St. Ignatius Parish School
provides an excellent religious and academic program.
Faith Development
Catholic faith and values are integrated into the life and
culture of the community and support the spiritual, emotional,
and social development of each student. Students are guided
to become active Catholics with self-respect, respect for others,
and a reverence for all of God’s creation.
There is comprehensive religion curriculum in Preschool
through eighth grade.
Each week begins with shared prayer at the Monday morning
The children attend Mass with their class once a week.
Each class participates in a special school liturgy
attended by all of the students and many members of the parent
Preparation for the reception of the sacraments is part of
the curriculum in the second grade (Reconciliation and First
Eucharist) and the eighth grade (Confirmation).
During the seasons of Advent and Lent the students attend a
Reconciliation Service.
Students have the opportunity to participate in the
celebration of Mass as lectors, ministers of hospitality, choir
members, and altar servers.
Intellectual Development
The curriculum at St. Ignatius Parish School is traditional while
dynamic. Utilizing the finest current methods and
materials, the staff focuses on the basics, giving each child the
foundation for a lifetime of limitless learning. And our
graduates succeed as they go on in the pursuit of this learning
at the high school and university level.
Our qualified and effective staff is dedicated to the program
and boasts an average tenure exceeding ten years.
New materials are adopted on a rotation that coincides with
the state’s schedule to insure access to the most current
The math program progresses incrementally from
Preschool through the eighth grade. Algebra is offered
for those eighth grade students who demonstrate a proclivity for
The language arts curriculum moves through phonics, reading,
literature, spelling, and vocabulary. Creative writing is
stressed at each level. Grammar is a strain that weaves
through each grade in a very traditional and structured manner.
In the area of social studies, the students look at the
structure of communities, history, geography, civics, and current
The students in grades one through eight have a science
teacher and the curriculum stresses scientific observation,
experimentation, and classification.
TK through eighth grade learn technological fluency in
the computer lab. They also use the lab to work on special
projects in all areas of the curriculum.
Classes one through eight participate in Spanish class twice
each week.
In art class the students in first through eighth
grade learn to express their ideas using various artistic
techniques, and they learn to critique art with an educated eye.
Physical Development
This is an integral part of the development of each child, and
the programs at St. Ignatius Parish School reflect this belief as
it is expressed in the Mission Statement.
The physical education classes for TK through eighth grade stress
positive interaction, competition with respect, discipline in
games with rules, and the self-discipline necessary in free-play.
Research shows that emotions affect how and why we learn and that
social and emotional literacy supports success in every part of a
student’s life.
Social-emotional learning (SEL) helps students identify their
feelings and better manage their emotions, which positively
impacts their academics and relationships.
The Friendzy program provides simple, memorable ways for your
student to learn and practice God’s design for friendship. Every
month we will introduce to the entire school campus one
Catchphrase and two corresponding Key Verses for students to
learn and practice. In class, we will spend 20-40 minutes weekly
focusing on the Catchphrase and Key Verses with activities,
games, and group discussions.