
Gift Card News 2018-19: Volume 5

Buy Gift Cards in the School Office

Did you know, that we keep our most popular Gift Cards “In-Stock” in the School Office for your convenience?

No need to plan ahead. If you plan to grocery shop or shop at an area discount store after drop off or on the way home from pickup, swing by the school office and exchange your cash, check or PayPal payment for gift cards.

PrestoPay at

PayPal is only accepted in the school office using your PayPal App or via invoice on SchoolSpeak. You cannot use PayPal at

When making payments for Gift Card Purchases using your PayPal App, it is necessary for you to change the payment type from Purchase to “Personal” or “Friends and Family.” The Gift Card Committee is pleased to accept credit card payments through the PayPal portal but all fees must be paid by the buyer. If you do not select the “Personal” or “Friends and Family” payment type, you will be billed for the transaction fee.

Written instructions will be in the office to aid you in your In-Stock purchase transaction.

If you have any questions about this, please contact