
Open House Date Change
February 24, 2019

Catholic School’s Week begins on Jan. 27, 2019.  This week we celebrate all things Catholic and who we are as a school community.  On this day, we hold our Open House and Arrupe Marketplace.  Because we are anticipating our move to the new building around this same time, we have made the decision to postpone our celebration Liturgy, Open House and the Arrupe Marketplace.  The celebration is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 24, 2019.  At the 9:30 am Sunday Liturgy, our Student Council Officers and Representatives will be our greeters/lectors and our school choir will lead us in song.  Following the Mass, from 10:30 am-noon, we will host our first Open House in our new building.  At the same time, our 8th graders will host their Arrupe Marketplace to raise funds for their selected non-profit organization 

We hope to see everyone on Feb. 24, 2019, current parents, alum, parishioners, and prospective parents.  It is sure to be an incredible day where we will celebrate our Parish and School.