
Generosity Everywhere!

We have now noticed 377 acts of generosity!   Please encourage your children to continue watching for generosity and being generous people. When they catch someone being generous they can write it down and put it in the box in their classroom or you can help them use this online form.   Lets see how much generosity we can find by October 23rd.! 

Here are a few examples of Acts of Generosity that were turned in last week:

When I was sad my friend smiled and helped me

My brother let me play his x-box

My teacher helped me with math

My friend let me use her pencil when I couldn’t find one

My sister helped me practice my 8 multiplication

Dad made me dinner

If you become aware of a generous act in your home, your neighborhood, or place of work, or anywhere, we encourage you to discuss it with your child(ren) and help them write it down and take it to class or submit it online.